Peanuts for Breakfast

Committment to Follow Your Passion

Kids aren’t the only ones with cravings.  Some of us experience cravings at odd moments and capitalize on them out of necessity. Hence, we may find ourselves eating peanuts for breakfast in airports, airline club lounges, and the inevitable airplane!

After e-ticketing, luggage scanning, security checks, and body wandings, we grab a quick cup of coffee, scan the headlines, check the stock market, or perhaps watch CNN, look over materials that are important to our workday, read, chat with yet another seatmate (who is beginning to look all too familiar), briefly wonder why we aren’t among the few jetting off for a holiday and finally nod off for a few extra winks  . . . Life of the road warrior is not for the faint of heart.  It’s hard work . . . protein from those peanuts is absolutely essential!

Lifestyle questions abound; answers are not always clear and it’s not glamorous, regardless of the quality of room service!

And yet, for many of us, it is a part of the adventure, for we are passionate about our work!  We actually love the travel, the diverse environments, the changing faces of clients and colleagues, the people-watching opportunities, and all that goes with running from place to place.    And we all hear the same question from family and friends . . . “How do you do it?  If I had your schedule, I’d never make it!  I bet you’re really enjoying not traveling during this unprecedented time?”  The truth for many of us is we really miss it – who knew??

And they are all correct, regardless of the form of the question or the statements that follow.  We couldn’t do it either if we didn’t love what we do; if we didn’t have the attitude.  That’s a given!  Of course, the peanuts bolster the spirit and fill the tummy . . . plain, salted or honey roasted, they hit the spot, satisfy the craving, fuel the passion.

What fuels your passion?  Where do you replenish your energy?  Do you love what you do and can others tell?  The good news is that we don’t all crave peanuts for breakfast, but we do all need to be passionate about something.

A few short years ago we heard over and over again that content was king.  Clients, customers, colleagues, and CEO’ s wanted content, substance, results you could measure in very deliberate and definitive terms.  When commitment didn’t always follow, we began to realize that people commit to what they care about, to an emotional connection, to a passion.  And so, in this new era, we understand that relationships, emotional connection, and involvement foster commitment to faith, family, friends, freedom, careers and moving forward.

We may not be flying as much in these months of pandemic-regulated travel parameters, and yet, the concept of commitment to something we care about is still true.  Our travel may only include a different Zoom address rather than geographical coordinates.  Yet, the concept is basically the same.

Have peanuts. . .will travel (in a plane or from your desk).  How about you?

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